Business Succession Plans

Get help transitioning ownership of your family business.

Approximately 70% of family firms do not survive when the founder retires. Beat the odds with business succession plans.

Family-held companies without strategic business succession plans often fail due to estate taxes or family conflict. There are many key issues for founders to consider, including retirement projections, financial affairs, healthcare, and more. In addition, family dynamics, relationships and emotions can further complicate matters.

Let us help you with the challenges you are facing. Candy & Schonwald develops and implements business succession plans that give companies the greatest chances of success if they are passed down to future generations. We weigh the pros and cons of transferring assets to other family members or selling to a third party. And we look for ways to minimize tax burdens when ownership is transferred.


The decision to retire from your own business is often an emotional one for the founder as well as other relatives. You’ll need to carefully consider how you want to separate the functions of day-to-day management from ownership, especially if your heirs are not actively involved in the business.

Candy & Schonwald's business succession plans include the following elements:

  • business valuation
  • business restructuring
  • tax liabilities
  • retirement planning
  • tax projections